Focus Ratings

Focus Ratings is a horse racing ratings service run by Keith Eckstein from his home in Brittany (lucky devil!)

The service is designed to help you narrow the field so that you can “focus” on the real contenders.  Subscribers receive a comprehensive ratings report at 10.00am (UK time) each day.  This report covers all UK and Irish racing.  It shows for each race the top three rated horses, with over twenty pieces of information for each of those horses.

The user can then decide how to use that information; whether to bet all or a selection of the first rated horse in each race to win, bet some of the top three rated each way (or place) or bet the top two or three in selected races inforecasts or tricasts.

On the Focus Ratings website you can view a sample report, a summary of results for each month and for each day and even drill down to see individual race results for each day.

There is also a members forum in which Keith and members share ideas on how to use the ratings in a profitable way; and a portfolio of micro systems which you can use – many of these have Returns on Investment of over 100% albeit from small sample sizes.  And members can subscribe to receive an email when a contender for any of their chosen systems is due to run.

I have used Focus Ratings myself and found the service very reliable and full of useful data.  The service is undergoing ongoing development by Keith and looks set to be even better.

You can choose a monthly subscription for £32.40 or a quarterly subscription for £80.40 (both prices including 20% VAT).  Keith does sometimes offer a free 7 day trial which should enable you to see whether it is for you.  Click here to read more about the service and to sign up.



The Nag-Nag-Nag website’s strapline is “Horse race analysis using statistics and trends”.

This long-established site is run by Gavin Priestley.

As I write this in February 2015, the site has a section on free tips on the all-weather for this month.  Showing just a modest 3% bank growth in the first ten days there are nine free tips for today so things could change (hopefully for the better!).  There are also some free ante-post tips for Cheltenham.

In Gavin’s Blog section there are some very detailed articles, for example this month one on “Saturday Super Strikers” – the stats behind the top trainers runners on Saturdays with strike rates and profit and loss figures for each trainer – also a breakdown for the top trainer by race class, distance, age (of horse) and weight carried.

So, some very good free information here and another site well worth bookmarking.

Race Advisor

The Race Advisor website is run by Michael Wilding.

Michael is one of the really genuine guys in this industry.  He is also very knowledgeable in all aspects of betting including the mathematics behind the winning techniques.

Yes, he does sell a small range of betting related products but he also has a lot of very useful free content on his website and available by subscription.  Here is just some of it:-

  • Free Tips
    • Daily Stat Pack showing the historical trends for that day’s racing
    • Daily Guest Tip
    • Big Race Previews
  • Tipster Proofing – a very powerful tool to identify the most profitable tipsters
  • Betting Strategies
  • Betting Angles (including a great article on Trading just published)

All of the above is free on the Race Advisor website – a definite one to bookmark!

And you can also sign up to receive regular betting advise from Michael.