Value Plus Soccer

Value Plus Soccer is a football betting system from Winning More.  Like most of Winning More’s systems it comes as an “e-book” that you can only read on a PC.  The system rules are very concise and the book includes many fully illustrated examples to show you exactly what to do.

They claim that in just over 12 months the system has made over 500 points profit to level stakes, but using the recommended staking plan and a £200 starting bank, the bank would have theoretically grown to over one billion pounds!

As they rightly state, the stakes would be too high to achieve this in practice – have you ever tried placing a £5 million bet?  But they reckon that £10K to £100K per year is achievable.  That’ll do me – I’m not greedy!

I received a review copy from Winning More and I was keen to try this one as I like something which can steadily grow a bank without too much downwards volatility.  So I followed the system for 40 days from 6th March 2015.

Obviously I cannot reveal details of the system here but I can tell you that the system involves placing three bets per day – two singles and one double.  I can also tell you how I fared compared with the claims on Winning More’s website.

“5 minutes a day is all it takes” – It took me considerably longer.  First you need to check the results of the previous day and, preferably, record them in a spreadsheet in order that you can calculate the correct stake for that day (5% of the running bank).  Then you need to find the selections on a third-party website.  Some of what may first appear to be the correct selections may be ruled out for various reasons so this can take a while on some days.  Then you have to find the best odds for the two single bets and one double.  On some days this could be two (or rarely three) different bookies.  Finding some of the more obscure football matches takes time – firstly on the odds comparison site then at the various bookies.  If you intend to do this first thing in the morning before going to work you need to allow a fair bit longer.  Or you may be able to do this late the previous evening depending on the finish times of the previous days matches.

“Everyone should get the same selections with no ambiguity in the results” – I think not!  There are a few problems.  Firstly, it depends what time of day you look for the selections.  Bearing in mind that the potential selections can be anywhere in the world some of these matches take place at one o’clock in the morning so you may have already missed them.  Secondly, the system rules state that certain matches should be discarded but the website does not always make it clear which these are.  And finally the system rules require that matches where the odds are below a certain value are discarded but the website does not always show the odds!

“We’re looking at a profit of anywhere between 3 to 30 points per day” – During the period of the trial the highest daily profit I achieved was under 7 points.  There were ten days out of the forty when all three bets won.  The average for a day when all three bets won was around 5 points.

“Even if two bets lose and just one single wins, we can still turn out a small profit” – There were twenty days out of forty when I had two losing bets and just one winning bet.  On only one of these days did I make a small profit.  All other days suffered a loss.  Why?  Because the winning bet was typically odds on, so could not cover the lost stake of even one of the other bets let alone two.

“In the first 42 betting days, we have had only 4 days, where all 3 bets lost” – I wasn’t quite so lucky as I had six total loss days out of 40.

In conclusion, after 40 days I have made a loss of about £40 or 20% of the £200 start bank.  Having said that, just two days earlier I was showing a profit of about £25 and at one stage my bank had grown by over 50% (at Day 22).  The difficulty I have in hoping for a high profit in the long term is that the selection method looks for matches predicted to result in a winning bet BUT does not take the odds into account.  So a selection could have a predicted win probability of 50% but the odds available are (sometimes considerably) less than evens.  If there is no value in the odds then what is the likely long-term outcome?

If you want to give Value Plus Soccer a try it is priced at £69.97 at the time of writing but the website states that the price will be going up to £79.97.

Stop At A Winner Bot

Stop At A Winner Bot is another specialised betting bot from Winning More.

The bot is for betting on Horse Racing on any of the Betfair markets.

There are various options to choose in terms of backing or laying (or both), odds range in which bets will be placed, and which countries (e.g. UK, Australia, etc.)

Basically, the strategy involves betting on the favourite (back or lay), then increasing the stake if the bet loses.  Eventually, a winning bet will be made (hopefully) which will recover the losses on the preceding bets and make a small profit.  At the end of this cycle the bot will stop (hence the name).  You then have a choice of stopping for the day or starting a new cycle straight away.

Of course, it could take some time to reach that winning bet in the cycle and stakes are increasing all the time.  So you can programme a stop loss into the bot so that it stops the cycle.  If this happens the loss will wipe out the profits from many winning cycles.

I have to make it clear that I have not tried this bot but I have tried some of the strategies (on another bot).  At the time of writing the strategies can be viewed on the website.  So far I have found the backing and laying strategies that I have followed to make losses (i.e. a small number of losing runs wiping out the profits).  But the strategies have evolved over the past month or two.  If I find one of the newer strategies does actually make a profit I will update this review.

In the meantime, you can find out more about Stop At A Winner Bot, watch videos and see past results from the various strategies on the website.  If you want to give it a try the price is £99.97 for a 12 month licence but bear in mind there are no refunds offered if it does not work for you.

Lay The Draw Bot

Lay The Draw Bot is one of a number of specialised bots from Winning More.

As the name suggests this bot is designed specifically for placing lay bets on football matches ending in a draw.  The bot will then trade out of the bet during play – hopefully for a profit.

You have to tell the bot which matches you want to trade.  Let us suppose that a match you select has lay odds of 3.00.  The bot places a bet at these odds.  The match starts, and after 25 minutes the team which is favourite to win scores a goal.  The odds on a draw are likely to increase.  The bot can place a back bet and, by choosing the correct stake, it can guarantee a profit regardless of the outcome of the match.

The above strategy will not work if no goals are scored but you can configure the bot to place a small “insurance bet” on the Correct Score 0-0 market.

The strategy may also fall down if the non-favourite team scores first.  In this case it may not be possible to secure a guaranteed profit but you can at least configure the bot to trade out once a certain loss level (percentage of stake) is reached or if a certain time is reached.

The bot does come with a strategy guide which offers five different methods for making selections.  Two of the methods require subscription to additional Winning More services but the other three are free to use.

I tried these free methods but I could not make a profit from the Lay The Draw Bot.

If you have a good strategy of your own but just need a bot to do the work for you then this could be worth a try, but if you are relying on using the supplied strategies to make a profit then you may come unstuck.  No refunds are offered if it does not work for you.

The “normal” price for the bot is £69.97 for a 12 month licence (but at the time of writing a £10 early-bird discount is offered).

You can read all about the Lay The Draw Bot, watch some short videos and even download the user guide from the website.



BetTrader Evolution is an advanced software tool for trading on Betfair allowing you to place bets quickly using minimum mouse movement and less clicks in order to make a profitable trade before the price disappears!

Betfair Trading Software

Whilst it is currently only for Betfair it does have versions for Macs as well as Windows PCs.

The features are too numerous to list here but you can download the software for a free 7 day full-featured trial (with no payment details required).

After the trial you then have a number of choices:-

You can continue using the software but in a “Limited” mode.  This mode has slow price refreshing compared with the full version, no “Sports” mode (which would enable you to view a number of different markets at the same time) and no “Training” mode (i.e. demo mode using virtual money and not real cash.  The lack of this feature alone is reason enough not to want the “Limited” mode in my opinion (as you cannot test new strategies without risking hard cash).

Pay £9.99 per month for the full version

Pay £99 per year for the full version

Or – and this option could be especially useful for sometime who likes to have a heavy trading session but only occasionally – buy blocks of 24 hour access at £5.99 for 3 days, £14.99 for 15 days and £24.99 for 30 days.  This option could be ideal for someone who likes to trade only one or two days a week.

Click here for full details on BetTrader Evolution and to sign up for your free full-featured trial.

Tipster Supermarket

Tipster Supermarket is run by Kris Jackman.  It offers a platform for budding tipsters to offer up their daily selections for proofing.

Users of the website can access the free tips of any of the current trials.  As of today I could only find one trial actively running.

However, there are two tipsters (out of more than thirty contenders) that passed the mandatory 90 day trial and these are now offering their services on a commercial basis.

These are:-

Elite Ratings System by Stuart Oakley.  Stuart sends members an email the evening before racing so they have the choice of placing bets that evening or during the morning of the racing – whichever works best for them.  Now, Stuart’s service did have three losing months out of eleven last year, but not too heavy; and on the whole the profit curve is definitely going up and is not too volatile.  Click here to read all about Elite Ratings System and to sign up for a quarterly subscription for £92.40 (including 20% VAT).

Pro Racing Tips by Chris Williams.  This is again a horse racing tipping service.  It focuses on horses at the top of the market (i.e. shorter prices).  This makes Chris’ service less volatile than some and it showed a steadily increasing profit curve during the proofed trial period apart from a ten day losing period for which the losses were made up in less than a week.  Click here to read all about Pro Racing Tips and to sign up for a two week trial for just £1.20.  You can then choose rom a monthly subscription for £35.94 or a quarterly subscription for £71.94 which is three months for the price of two give or take six pence!  (All prices include 20% VAT)

Focus Ratings

Focus Ratings is a horse racing ratings service run by Keith Eckstein from his home in Brittany (lucky devil!)

The service is designed to help you narrow the field so that you can “focus” on the real contenders.  Subscribers receive a comprehensive ratings report at 10.00am (UK time) each day.  This report covers all UK and Irish racing.  It shows for each race the top three rated horses, with over twenty pieces of information for each of those horses.

The user can then decide how to use that information; whether to bet all or a selection of the first rated horse in each race to win, bet some of the top three rated each way (or place) or bet the top two or three in selected races inforecasts or tricasts.

On the Focus Ratings website you can view a sample report, a summary of results for each month and for each day and even drill down to see individual race results for each day.

There is also a members forum in which Keith and members share ideas on how to use the ratings in a profitable way; and a portfolio of micro systems which you can use – many of these have Returns on Investment of over 100% albeit from small sample sizes.  And members can subscribe to receive an email when a contender for any of their chosen systems is due to run.

I have used Focus Ratings myself and found the service very reliable and full of useful data.  The service is undergoing ongoing development by Keith and looks set to be even better.

You can choose a monthly subscription for £32.40 or a quarterly subscription for £80.40 (both prices including 20% VAT).  Keith does sometimes offer a free 7 day trial which should enable you to see whether it is for you.  Click here to read more about the service and to sign up.


Bf Bot Manager

Bf Bot Manager is an advanced bot for trading on the exchanges.  There are separate versions available for Betfair and Betdaq.

The main package includes three fully automated betting bots; plus a ladder control for manual betting and trading.

The most powerful of the three included bots is the Back/Lay Multiple Favourites Bot.  This has a number of powerful features and can operate in not just horse racing and greyhounds but also a number of soccer markets, as well as other markets you can add (e.g. darts, tennis, snooker …)

The second bot in the package is a Horse Races Trader Bot which can place in-running tradses on horse races in the UK win market.

The third bot is a Dutching Bot which offers automatic or manual dutching of markets by pre-defined rules.  There are a number of different ways in which this bot can be used.  The supported markets are varied as per the Multiple Favouirites bot above.

Once you have Bf Bot Manager there are various add-ons that you can buy such as the Multiple Strategies bot which allows you to run multiple strategies at the same time.

Another add-on bot is the Soccer Bot – Draw Betting which can be used to lay the draw just before kick-off then hopefully place a back bet for a profit during play.

The final add-on bot is the Bet Advisor Bot which allows you to place bets on selected Bet Advisor tips.

Another chargeable add-on is the Bf Notes facility which enables you to add notes for any selection that is available for betting at Betfair.  Then the next time your selection is running/playing the market will be highlighted to prompt you to open your selections form.

The main Bf Bot Manager Package is sold as a lifetime licence for a single Betfair account (or Betdaq if you prefer – but if you want both you need to buy two separate licences).  This is sold at £107.94 (including 20% UK VAT).  So if you are confident that this will do all you want then it could work out lower cost in the long run than one of its competitors sold by monthly subscription.

But, if you want to run multiple strategies, then you will need the Multiple Strategies Bot add-on which is sold on a monthly subscription basis at £17.94 per month.

The Soccer Bot – Draw Betting is a £47.94 lifetime licence whilst the Bf Notes add-on is a modest £11.94.

You can get a free 5-day trial to Bf Bot Manager; or you can extend that to seven days by “liking” their Facebook page (through a link on the free trial sign-up page) before you sign up.  There is a lot to find your way around so that extra two days could come in handy.  Also, I would recommend reading the downloadable manuals before starting your trial – just to give yourself a bit of a head start.  A week is not very long to try out a sophisticated package such as this.  But if you already have some good strategies lined up and just need a bot to try them on the maybe you’ll be lucky enough to make the £100 or so profit to fund a license purchase at the end of your trial!

Click here for full details of BF Bot Manager, to download manuals, and to buy or try.


Betfair Trading Community

The Betfair Trading Community is not described as a club as such – rather a community for Betfair Traders.

This community does not use a conventional online forum or bulletin board approach – but rather Facebook – as a means of exchanging advice on suggested trades to make on various sports.

Now, I have only just come across this one so I haven’t trialled it.  Apart from anything else I do not do much trading at present nor am I yet on Facebook!  I will get there one day.

But if you are into sports trading or keen to learn then I suggest giving the Betfair Trading Community a try.  It is only £3.60 for your first month then £8.40 per month (including 20% VAT).  Click here to find out more and to sign up for your low cost trial.


Grey Horse Bot

One of the most promoted betting bots is the Grey Horse Bot. But there are some poor customer service issues to concern you.

I personally tried this bot a year ago.  It sounded very promising indeed from the promotional material. It can be used on many different sports unlike many bots that are restricted to just horse racing and/or greyhounds.  And it comes with a version for Betdaq as well as for Betfair for those of you who may find Betdaq taking less of your profits off you.

Also it comes with many extras or bonuses in the form of systems that can be used to make selections. Also there are tips which can be automatically uploaded to your betting bot.

Unfortunately I personally found things to be very muddled. I couldn’t find some of the bonuses I was supposed to have and I wasn’t sure what some of the others were. It really does take a lot of time to find your way around.

The Grey Horse Bot is sold on a subscription basis at £27 per month at the time of writing. A 30 day trial is available at £17 per month. When you sign up for the trial you have to sign up to ongoing monthly payments by credit card

At the end of the trial period I decided I would not proceed with full membership for the time being but to go back to it later in the year when I would have more time available to really get to grips with what was on offer.

The biggest sting however was when I came to attempt to cancel my ongoing subscription. There was supposed to be a facility to cancel subscriptions in the members area of the website – there wasn’t. I tried emailing (using an email address provided) but when I checked the next day the email had not been delivered as the mailbox was full! By the time I succeeded in establishing communication using the support facility on the website it was too late to cancel! And they refused to refund! So I certainly did not and will not be going back to it.

For that reason I would caution you against trying the Grey Horse Bot. But if you do decide to give it a try then sign up for the trial subscription then immediately cancel the ongoing subscription. If there is no provision on the website to cancel it then send them an email and make sure you get an acknowledgement. If that fails use the support facility on the website. In any event I would recommend also telling your credit card provider that you are cancelling the ongoing payment authority. If you decide at the end of the trial that you really do wish to continue then they will just have to set it up again for you.

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