Today, the club under scrutiny is the Secret Betting Club.
The Secret Betting Club’s strap line is “How To Make Money Betting Online”. So what do you actually get if you join the club?

The Club publishes “secret” reports on the betting world in particular details of “tipsters and systems that can make you money betting”. Updated six times per year it contains the profit and loss details of over 50 different short-listed tipsters with performance statistics over both the medium and long term. These tipsters are largely independent and not the ones you will find on the major platforms such as Betfan. Many of the tipsters offer discounts for Club members.The tipster reports show a lot of useful information:-
- Which tipster has made the largest profit all-time
- Which tipster has had the best past 12 months
- Which tipster generates the highest Return on Investment
- Which tipster makes the largest return on your betting bank (Return on Capital)
- Which tipsters offer the lowest workloads to follow
- Which are easy to get on at the advised odds
The reports also show profit figures after fees have been taken into account. (What is the point of following a tipster which makes you £1,000 a year on your horse racing betting if he charges you £1,000 a year for the privilege?) These reports must be the most comprehensive and clear that I have seen.
In addition to the profit reports there is a magazine (for download) every second month with reviews on new tipster services, betting systems, software and strategies. Also advice on how to get bets on at the best prices and how to reduce chances of being banned by the bookies when you become too unprofitable for them!
There are a whole raft of articles in the magazines or published as separate downloadable guides which will help you in your betting. Members get access to the full back catalogue.
In addition, members get access to the Secret Betting Club Forum which includes members tips as well as some free tips from commercial tipsters. Now, not all of these are necessarily profitable but for the most part there are clear profit and loss figures shown to help you decide which may be worth following.
There are three levels of membership with the most popular (according to the Club) being the Gold level. I have to say this option makes the most sense to me. The price of annual membership (at the time of writing) is just under £96 including 20% VAT .
The Silver Option comes in £12 less at just under £84 per annum but you lose a lot of benefits so I am not going to go into it.
At the other end of the scale the Platinum option will set you back £48 more than the Gold at just under £144. This option brings you access to the United States Sports Tipster reports. If you are not into US sports then save your money. But if you are already interested in US Sports or keen to find out more then there are some very, very detailed tipster reports. Some of the tipsters are offering quite substantial discounts to Platinum members – you could save more than twice the £48 extra cost for Platinum if you signed up to just one of these!
The Club offers a no-quibble 30-day money back guarantee if you are not satisfied for any reason. (I have not attempted to claim under the guarantee but I would be surprised if it was not honoured.)
If you bet (or are considering betting) on the horses or football then there is no question that you should give the Club a try. If you bet on the golf, darts – or even US sports! – then there’s still plenty in the Club for you.
The Secret Betting Club was actually the first betting club I joined – I found it invaluable especially in the early part of my betting career.
Click on the following link to go the Secret Betting Club website for full details of what they have to offer and to sign up for a membership or claim free samples of a magazine, tipster report and a football system.