E Racing Network

I returned from a recent holiday to find a series of emails hyping up the launch of the Elite Racing Network.  This seemed to change its name part way through the launch to the E Racing Network or ERN for short.  The emails contained links to some cringe-worthy videos about this new wonder service.  After seeing the first few minutes of the videos and learning very little I lost patience so decided to wait for the launch date.

As is common with such launches there was the usual encouragement to sign up to an “Early Bird” list to “queue jump” and get a “ridiculously low” price – so I did.

On launch day at 9.00 am I received an email inviting me to grab one of the 100 “early bird” spaces.  So I thought I would click on the link in the email to see if I could find out what was on offer.  Each attempt was met with a “Page not found” error!

At 10.30am I received another email urging me to hurry as there were only 67 spaces left.  But still the website is down.  Then an hour later another email – only 37 spaces left – now only 32 spaces left …

So how come everyone else seems to have been able to access the website but me?

At 12 noon another email to say the service is now open to all – not just the early bird registrants.

At 7.00 pm ERN finally acknowledge they have a problem.

Late the following afternoon an email to say that they have 76 early bird spaces left.  Does that mean that they were telling porkies the previous day when hardly anyone could get through to the website and yet they had only 67, then 37, then 32 spaces left?

I’m still not clear what the service is exactly but it appears to be a selection of horse racing systems (some proven and some on test) plus the option of a betting bot to place the bets if you want.  The person behind it seems to be the same person behind Grey Horse Bot and this service appears to be an enhancement of the Grey Horse Bot package.

Pricing for the early bird members was not my idea of “ridiculously low”.  To get the best monthly rate you needed to sign up for a year at £297 up front.  Or you could go for 6 months at £197 or 3 months (minimum) at £127 which works out at over £42 per month.

But, despite the failings of the launch, the lack of any sort of trial (other than £127 for 3 months) and the possible customer service issues (see our review of Grey Horse Bot here) there looked the possibility that there could be something good here.

Now, PunterPort does not carry out many product reviews (especially for me-too tipsters) but when something different comes along we are happy to put in the time, especially when punters are being asked for £127 to try the service.

So we invited ERN to submit a copy for review.  They declined!

So with no review to go on, no free trial and no mention of a money back guarantee it looks like one to steer well clear of.

P.S.  Shortly after refusing our review, ERN offered a 31 day trial for £47 but say this is for a very limited period.

If anyone has tried ERN we would be very interested to hear your comments using our contact form.

Please note that ERN are still using the term Elite Racing Network in some of the promotional materials but we understand that there is no connection to the Elite Racing System(s), Elite Racing Club or any other similarly named entities.

Race Advisor Video Reviews

Michael Wilding’s Race Advisor website has just started video walk-throughs of betting services.

For the first one Michael has chosen Winning More’s Stop At A Winner Bot.  The video is 22 minutes long and shows how to buy, download, install and use the bot.

A video review such as this is very useful in helping you to decide whether it is worth purchasing the bot.

I have already reviewed Stop At A Winner Bot – not a video review but you can see it here.

Or click here to see Race Advisor’s video walkthrough.

Focus Ratings

Focus Ratings is a horse racing ratings service run by Keith Eckstein from his home in Brittany (lucky devil!)

The service is designed to help you narrow the field so that you can “focus” on the real contenders.  Subscribers receive a comprehensive ratings report at 10.00am (UK time) each day.  This report covers all UK and Irish racing.  It shows for each race the top three rated horses, with over twenty pieces of information for each of those horses.

The user can then decide how to use that information; whether to bet all or a selection of the first rated horse in each race to win, bet some of the top three rated each way (or place) or bet the top two or three in selected races inforecasts or tricasts.

On the Focus Ratings website you can view a sample report, a summary of results for each month and for each day and even drill down to see individual race results for each day.

There is also a members forum in which Keith and members share ideas on how to use the ratings in a profitable way; and a portfolio of micro systems which you can use – many of these have Returns on Investment of over 100% albeit from small sample sizes.  And members can subscribe to receive an email when a contender for any of their chosen systems is due to run.

I have used Focus Ratings myself and found the service very reliable and full of useful data.  The service is undergoing ongoing development by Keith and looks set to be even better.

You can choose a monthly subscription for £32.40 or a quarterly subscription for £80.40 (both prices including 20% VAT).  Keith does sometimes offer a free 7 day trial which should enable you to see whether it is for you.  Click here to read more about the service and to sign up.